If you received this card, then you also have been the beneficiary of an act of kindness inspired by a man named Dan Neff. We hope that the unexpected delivery of this little black card was accompanied by a sense that you matter to someone, maybe even someone you don’t know, and may never meet.
If you’d like to tell us about your experience, we’d love to hear from you. Just click the Acts of Kindness button from the main menu to share your story.
Who is Dan Neff?
Dan Neff was a husband, dad, grandfather, friend and believer in the power of showing up for other people–friends and strangers alike. Dan was the first person to offer a helping hand, a word of encouragement, or a lift when your car was acting up. He was the guy who showed up when someone was in need, usually wearing a cowboy hat.
Dan died on April 15, 2021. In life, he made the world a better place through acts of kindness large and small. We believe that those of us who are still alive have an opportunity, and a responsibility, to continue Dan’s habit of generously caring for our fellow humans.
If you believe, like Dan did, in the power of community and kindness, please pay the act of kindness you received forward in any way that works for you.
Thoughtful, generous acts from strangers make us all feel like Cowboy Dan isn’t very far away after all.